Seeking grant funding for your business? Wessex Partnerships has helped 100s of organisations secure vital grant funding and private investment.
So, if you are seeking funding to –
our consultants will help you find and apply for the most suitable grants.
Our Track Record
Since 2000, Wessex Partnerships has secured over £80m in UK national and EU funding. In doing so, we have developed and delivered innovative solutions to business and social challenges. Working with both public and private sector organisations, our team operates across most major industry sectors and many countries.
Your business is typically strong on innovation and developing or exploiting new technology. We all know these qualities are a major driver of growth that delivers quality returns to funders and investors. Our customers have a clear idea of what they want to achieve and are committed to sharing the grant funding process with us.
Let’s focus on what you do best. And if your organisation has devised an original solution to overcome a difficulty, perhaps you now need advise on funding options. So speak to us, our track record across public, private and third sectors means we can draw on a wealth of experience and connections to support you.
Working with us will increase your win-rate in response to funding and tender opportunities. As a result, providing this additional cashflow will grow your business significantly. We achieve this with you do by writing compelling proposals and tenders, underpinned by robust research and extensive, practical experience.
A key strength is our experience and expertise from over 20 years working in this field. Understanding what is specifically required from each funding programme is critical to shaping a written application. We have prepared over 200 quality grant applications for UK and European funding, and with a considerable track record of success.
You will gain much from our knowledge of the latest UK government and EU funding programmes and calls for applications. Private business and community clients also benefit from our valuable insight into how the public sector works.
Business Development
You probably have your own expert team that has come up with a brilliant idea or solution. But, perhaps because it is new territory, you’re not absolutely sure how best to implement your ideas. We offer consultancy, advice and support to help develop your thinking and build consensus on the way forward.
Expert Advice
Our highly experienced team embraces a extensive range of expertise. Our skills include business planning and strategic development, accessing grant finance, tendering for contracts, economic research and evaluation.
Writing Winning Bids
Transforming a project idea or service offering into a winning proposal is our forte. We know the process of responding to a new funding opportunity can take valuable time and resources. And this is particularly challenging for someone not used to dealing with a particular grant or procurement system.
We take a creative yet structured approach to produce a well-researched, cleverly written bid. Our aim is to provide you with the best possible chance of securing a vital grant award for your business.