Grants are the best type of funding available for tech firms, as you don’t lose any equity, and you never have to pay money back.
Wessex Partnerships has helped dozens of innovative businesses secure funding for vital research and development projects. This includes Innovate UK Smart grants programme, which gives £125m to British businesses each year.
With our grant application service, we work alongside our client businesses to help simplify and reduce the amount of work required for you to prepare your application. We will ensure that the final application faithfully presents your project with concise, correct, answers. We also advise on project planning and budgeting, so the project is well resourced and organised and represents good value for money.
As experts in a host of leading-edge technologies, we will undertake background industry research in your particular field to clarify the technical innovation and set out the commercial case. This will considerably enhance the chances of your application being successful. Plus, we double check all your costings and proofread all your text.
It all adds up to an enviable success rate for our clients, securing over £80m, with 20 years of experience of applying for grant funding.
If you have a project you would like to discuss, book a call with us on 01329 556766. For more information on our services, see our website www.wessexpartnerships.com.