The Dream Fund encourages British charities to work together to deliver the project they have always dreamt of, but never had the opportunity to bring to life.
Applications must come from a partnership of at least two charitable organisations. The lead partner organisation MUST be a registered charity. The other partners can be registered charities, voluntary groups, community interest companies, universities or other not-for-profit organisations.
The Fund is providing a total of £3.5 million with grants of between £500,000 and £1.25 million to deliver projects over 2-3 years.
The Dream Fund aims to implement systemic change in order to address an important social or environmental problem. The current themes are:
Environmental Systems Change – collaborative and innovative projects that develop long term solutions to systemic environmental problems. Areas of interest include projects that challenge environmental degradation, in particular focusing on biodiversity and species preservation.
Social Inequality– projects take systematic approaches to addressing the root causes of social inequality. Successful projects will be able to demonstrate how they will promote the social inclusion of groups that are disadvantaged or excluded from society. Potential areas of interest include early childhood development and educational attainment.
Pandemic recovery – projects that will support society to recover from the effects of the pandemic. Potential areas of interest include loneliness and social isolation, health and wellbeing, domestic violence and support for neglected groups who have suffered disproportionately during the pandemic.
Stage 1 applications will be accepted from 1 October 2021 to 1 November 2021 (5:30pm).
Further guidance and information –